Sunday 23 November 2014

Last-minute panic seems to be a continuous theme throughout the course of this blog's existence

So uh anyway. Hi again. On a similar vein to some of my earlier posts, we discussed something this week that I found absolutely, absurdly fascinating, and that was the halting problem. I've always enjoyed learning about Alan Turing and his various innovations, and the whole halting problem thing did not disappoint. In fact, I enjoyed the topic so much that I've been working on writing a short story about a modern day scientist trying to expand upon Turing's work, and create a learning algorithm that can solve the halting problem for any conceivable program by storing analyses of previous programs. I know, it's pseudo-science, and it's not really possible, but imagine how interesting that would be! The program could potentially eventually pass the Turing test! Whoa! I don't know why I found that particular topic so fascinating, but I really did. In other news, our most recent topic has me completely stumped, so I'm hoping working on the assignment with my group will serve to enlighten me. Alright, that's all for now. Thanks for reading!

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