Saturday 27 September 2014

Ruminations (probably the first of many)

Alright, so this week, every one of my classes ramped up pretty quickly. I was expecting this to happen, but the degree at which it did still surprised me a bit. CSC165 was one of them, but the material still interests me. It's like what was mentioned earlier in the course, with the release of opioids when you solve a logic problem, providing that motivation to finish the problem. Maybe I'm just weird, but I find that absolutely true. I really enjoyed solving the paper folding problem on Friday for some reason, and the thrill of completing something like that makes the frustration of the problem worthwhile. I would love to see some kind of chart comparing difficulty of problem with expected release of opioids, and some kind of experiment charting which kinds of problems or what degree of difficulty creates the most positive response once the individual has solved the problem. Alright, that's all for now. Gabe out!

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