Saturday 11 October 2014

The Midterm Slog

Hey, reader, sorry this took so long to be posted. Between the first assignment for CSC148, the first assignment for CSC165, and the midterm for CSC165, I haven't been thinking of much other than code and logic...although I suppose this falls under that category. Alright, I have no excuses. In any case, about the aforementioned midterm, since it's the easiest topic to talk about in regards to this class. I found it quite easy to study for the midterm, in comparison to most exams, which may or may not have been thanks to the number of practice tests that were available. The midterm itself, however, was as difficult as I expected, despite how much I studied, so I'm not going to be too optimistic about those results just yet. However, I'm glad I've now taken an exam at University, and that I now know what to expect. We seem to be diving right into the center of proofs, something that worries me a whole heck of a lot, because I wasn't the best at them in high school, but we'll see. Maybe they'll be different here. Alright, I'll stop boring you now. Thanks for your time!
-Gabe F.